I am Vanessa. As a Yoga facilitator I am very committed to my practice, and am genuinely inspired in supporting others along their way. My own practice began over 25 years ago, however I became certified in Yoga beginning in 2008. I don't know that anyone will ever be "an expert" in Yoga, it is a practice after all, and it's us practicing with our very own humanity. So there is a lot of humility here because I know (and love) that I will forever be learning the art of Yoga. As I continually step along my own journey, I facilitate Yoga in hopes of sharing my own understandings so far, as a way to help you on your journey. I do this through group classes and individually. All of us are stepping alone, but it’s made easier (and sometimes bearable) if we can look to someone of like-mind and with similar courage of willingness to step into the unknown.
Image of Bronze Suryan by Arul Damodaran on flickr
If you would like a space where you can add your voice within a supportive community. Community is about coming together in discussion, with respect, and sharing. A community thrives with participation, whether your style is more quiet or a bit chattier, participation is our way of being accountable to the space we hold within community. Community is the strength of humanity and human thought. I've created this space as a place to support our practice (in whatever tradition) through the old or the ancient, whichever term you like best; for those who recognize the value of culture and of tradition, and the timeless wisdom embedded in both, not only encouraging the inner development of the human, but showing us the way forward from here. Yes, Yoga is absolutely a key topic here, but this is a space of recognizing those undeniable similarities within ancient traditions, that demonstrate that there is undeniably a cohesive oneness.
This community is for you if:
You're seeking community...one of like-mind, of growth, and mutual respect for shared thoughts.
You feel that the ancient holds a place of value in our world
You see that different cultures and traditions is actually what brings us together
You'd like to learn about traditions that others might put forward, that could ultimately add to your own practice
You'd like to move beyond the known and consider ways that the mysteries of life might strengthen your own life
You'll find six topics related to those areas from where we commonly draw wisdom, some of which you might gravitate toward more than others. You are welcome to follow the topics that suit you best. Each topic provides the space to post, to share, and to engage with other community members.
Topics include:
All About Yoga: Its teachings, its practices, its texts and its many branches. This is for those who are inspired by the Yogic teachings with respect for its tradition.
Ancient Teachings & Great Teachers: For those who are interested in sacred teachings and traditions from around the world, from Hinduism to Buddhism, Judaism, Celtic Mysticism and the Mayans, Sufism to Early Christianity, Egyptology, Astrology, and more...this is the place to share those.
Ancient Places: For those who find connection through place and the history encoded there. Ancient places host symbols and meaning through culture and tradition, from which we can learn much about the hidden mysteries of life.
Blog: Comments & Questions: where readers can communicate thoughts or ask me questions about my recent newsletter, to which I will respond.
Inspiring Quotes: For those who like a quick pick-me-up filled with wisdom, or to share insights into these offerings of old.
Reading Materials, Fact & Fiction: We're always looking for a good book to read, if you have one or many that you've enjoyed, post their titles here. Maybe you'll find someone who shares the same love for the same book.